Online Marketing Program

We provide a full service online marketing program and handhold you throughout the entire process. 
1. We work with you to define the objectives, set the rules of engagement, and lay out a plan to meet your needs.
4. We help grow your business by being there every step of the way.
2. We work with you to identify the target audience, discover their personas, and focus on attracting that type of prospect to your service or offering.
5. We constantly update copy, images, page layout and html structure to improve the results. These activities are all included in the fixed cost marketing plan throughout the duration of the program.
3. We kick off the project and monitor the results for a three month period constantly adjusting and adapting to the analytical data we receive on a daily basis.
6. Daily stand ups keep us on track of the day to day, and weekly status reports are generated to keep you on top of the situation.